Monday 17 March 2014

Diary of a call girl task

Representation of disability: Secret Diary of a Call Girl
Analysing whether or not modern TV dramas fit Paul Hunts views on disability

Mis en scene - rule of thirds, boy is in last third. big bed in contrast to small boy: makes him look small and vulnerable/not capable

Camera work (movement) - camera follows the girls actions as the boy removes still under her touch. Signifies her cautiousness around him which links back to the stereotype that disabled people are vulnerable/delicate/fragile. Crab tracking following movement of her hand. 

Mis en scene - Room is represented through the colours of red and pink and bright colours which connote love and passion (linking into her prostitution) whilst the boys clothing is neutral and dark which perhaps connotes that he doesn't have a character, he is almost plain and void of life. (e.g represented through black t-shirt). 

Camera work - camera angle P.O.V of each character. She is always looking down on him and he is always looking up at her. Challenges stereotype because the woman is more dominant and has more power. Connotes his weakness and emphasises her power in this situation. 

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