Monday 31 March 2014

Representations of Age: Monarch of the Glen

Discuss how the clip constructs representations of age: focus on editing. 
One paragraph - young people
One paragraph - middle aged people
One paragraph - OAP
3 paragraphs in total
Specific example - connotations of age - how the audience are supposed to view the character e.g dominant or emergent ideology. 

In this extract young people are represented in various ways. At 0:21 the 180 degree rule is used in relation to a conversation between the young girl, the young boy. and the older man. This scene has connotations of the middle aged man being more superior than the younger teens, the teenagers are grouped together as if they are equal because they are of younger age. The middle aged man is in a position of authority as he gives the pair instructions which they abide by. The audience are supposed to view the characters (young people) as of less power and status. This representation of young people is further illustrated at 2:29 when the young girl and middle aged man are having an argument, a shot reverse shot is used and also eyeline match. This connotes the ideas that the young girl is of less power and is inferior to the man. The older man is seen to be looking down on her which further highlights his authority and higher status because of his age and her lack of status because of her age.

At 2:20 middle aged people are represented through the 180 degree rule. This connotes that both the men are equal in terms of age and status. Also both characters share the same amount of screen time, highlighting that both are important. The audience would view the characters as responsible and respectable due to their age and the mis-en-scene of the clip. Furthermore, at the very beginning of the extract a long take is used which shows a group of middle aged men working together. This signifies that the men are hardworking and responsible. It could also perhaps connote unity. Audiences would view them positively as it conforms to the dominant ideology that middle aged  people are responsible and hardworking.

Furthermore, at 2:59 the Grandmother is positioned out of the shot with significantly less screen time to the middle aged man and the young girl. The positioning of the Grandmother out of shot connotes the idea that she is of less importance, perhaps even less value. However, this challenges the stereotype slightly that older people are usually seen to be of more importance and to have more respect/value. The audience would view the Grandmother as perhaps weak due to her old age and having less authority. Again at 4:15 this point is reiterated as the Grandmother is seen to be running to someone else to get help after she finds out the young girl is missing - this again connotes the idea that she has no authority or power, she is seen to be weak as she can't find a resolution herself, she relies on other people.

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